A Letter from our CEO: World Cancer Day

A Letter from our CEO: World Cancer Day

Today is World Cancer Day

Dear All,

World Cancer day 2016Today al-shaukat foundation is joining people around the world in observance of World Cancer Day. World Cancer Day marks an opportunity for us as a company to reflect on the progress we are making in the fight against cancer, and also to consider the tremendous needs that still exist.

No organization is immune to the effects of this disease. Within our own company, we’ve experienced the impacts of cancer first hand, as some of our valuable employees and their families were touched by the disease in the past year.

Each year, more than 14 million new cases of cancer are diagnosed globally. While an estimated 32.6 million individuals are currently living with the disease and significant progress has been made in diagnosis, treatment and management, cancer still accounts for more than 8 million deaths annually.

By providing more comprehensive diagnostic tools, including proprietary tests for diagnosis, sub-typing, and stratification of cancer, as well as pharmacogenomics tests for treatment selection, our tests and services help clinicians better understand an individual’s disease, and select the most appropriate treatment for each patient. Additionally, our clinical trial services provide crucial genomic information for biotech and pharma companies working to develop more advanced, targeted, and individualized therapies for patients and their diseases.

Across our major impact areas, which include leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple myeloma, cervical cancer, and kidney cancer, we have the opportunity to impact more than 590,000 patients each year in the US, and up to 4.7 million cases globally. Our proprietary tests alone focus on cancer categories that have nearly 1.7 million new cases diagnosed globally each year. That is over 194 people each hour for whom our work can help make a difference.

Our collaborations with leading research institutions such as Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Dana Farber, Moffitt and Memorial Sloan Kettering will continue to foster innovation and further empower personalized medicine.

We are proud of the part we play in helping provide precision medicine to patients who need it most, and we look forward to continuing to make an even greater impact in the coming year.

We hope that you will join us in supporting World Cancer Day this year.

CEO and President
Al-Shaukat Foundation